Kathryn Corby
Student Success Coordinator
Hello Nursing Students!
The Student Success Coordinator is the main Program Advisor for all undergraduate Nursing Students in the BScN program.
Here are some things to know:
My office (201B) is located in the Nursing Student Support Centre, 2nd floor of Toldo/HEC.
Brightspace Organization: Nursing Student Support Centre: check regularly for announcements regarding: academic advising, academic supports & service updates, volunteer, work, & career-related experiences. Many of our past events are archived on this Brightspace site as well!
Academic advising is available Monday to Friday until 3:30pm – please email to request (corby1@uwindsor.ca).
I’m here to help with:
Academic pathway & course planning (BScN program-specific)
Struggling with school in general or a particular course
Build a study survival toolkit and create goals for your learning
Tutor Match Program
Discuss support services & get connected (within department or on campus)
Discuss learning needs and review accommodations process
Discuss career pathways of a Registered Nurse
Explore opportunities for employment that match your strengths & discuss your resume
Learn how to be involved as a volunteer on campus or in our community
Learn about graduate programs within the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Windsor
Discuss Inquiries related to: transfer credits, course equivalency, program transfers, progression in the BScN program
Much more..
About me:
I graduated from the University of Windsor with my BScN in 2009 and my MScN in 2017.
I am a Canadian Certified Nurse Educator from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.
I am a current PhD student at the University of Victoria. My research interests is in Transitions to Motherhood.
Nursing Practice: Since 2009, I’ve enjoyed working in a variety of setting including: Public Health, Community Health Nursing, Mental Health and Clinical Teaching.
I look forward to helping with your learning journey!
Ready to Book an Advising Appointment?
Contact: Kathryn Corby, RN MScN, Student Success Coordinator
Email: corby1@uwindsor.ca
Working hours: Monday – Friday 7:30-3:30
Please note: All appointments are available both in person and virtual. Please specify your preference.